Rhodochrosite XL tumble

Original price was: $11.11.Current price is: $8.88.

Rhodochrosite Tumble XL

This beautiful crystal is one that shares the energy of love as many pink stones do. This love is first geared towards self-love, brilliant right. This is the difference between the other crystals and this beautiful specimen, its purpose is emotional healing it can assist you in personal work in regards to the heart. Helps with personal empowerment, and self love is how we take a better stance in our life, in our hearts of hearts. When we love ourselves all in our physical world will shift.
This Crystal shares the energy of not only emotional healing but forgotten gifts, including that self love and compassion. Powerful peacemaking moments

Those who work on chakras this is a Crystal that correlates with heart and solar plexus crystal

All purchases and use of our products are for recreational purposes only. Crystals offered here are for metaphysical use and not meant to replace a qualified professional when it comes to any type of therapy or treatments. We are not here to diagnosed conditions or give any type of treatment, we leave that to the professionals.
These crystals are used in a holistic manner meant to be an addition to the healing practises that you may already have.