Peacock Labradorite bracelet


One Peacock bracelet

The gorgeous shimmer of colours we get from our Labradorite is just magnificent glow
The story goes that a mighty Eskimo warrior freed the colors that dazzle the Polar skies with blows from his spear but could not break all the rocks leaving a number of Labradorite gemstones for us to collect

Labradorite is a mystical stone protector.
It is said to Take on the characteristic energies of both the Sun and the Moon.
Labradorite is a gem that can help to assure success and bring changes in the quality of life.
It is inspirational for many and helps to bring magic back into ones life.


All purchases and use of our products are for recreational purposes only. Crystals offered here are for metaphysical use and not meant to replace a qualified professional when it comes to any type of therapy or treatments. We are not here to diagnose conditions or give any type of treatments, we leave that up to the professionals. There crystals are used in a holistic manner meant to be an addition to the healing practises that you may already have.

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