Lavender Rose Quartz tumble


One Lavender Rose Quartz

This crystal is considered the stone of Universal Love. Lavender Rose Quartz shares harmonious vibes to all relationships. We know that Rose Quartz itself shares the vibe of love of self and others. For those who work with energy, these are beautiful for the Heart Chakra as well as the Solar Plexus Chakra. Lavender Rose Quartz helps to purify and open our heart on all levels,  promoting love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing, and feelings of peace.


All purchases and use of our products are for recreational purposes only. Crystals offered here are for metaphysical use and not meant to replace a qualified professional when it comes to any type of therapy or treatments. We are not here to diagnosed conditions or give any type of treatment, we leave that to the professionals.
These crystals are used in a holistic manner meant to be an addition to the healing practises that you may already have.


11 in stock