Golden healer palm stone, 2”

Original price was: $33.33.Current price is: $18.18.

9 in stock

One Golden Healer quartz XL palm stone.

The golden healer quartz is a potent crystal, since it allows the golden light of the Universal Life Force to flow through the body via the crown chakra. Then the energy spreads its gold light all throughout the body while it clears the imbalances and blockages, which ready the body for a multi-level cleansing.


Picture is example ONLY | Please allow for some natural variation in size, shape and coloring.


All purchases and use of our products are for recreational purposes only. Crystals offered here are for metaphysical use and not meant to replace a qualified professional when it comes to any type of therapy or treatments. We are not here to diagnosed conditions or give any type of treatments. These crystals are used in a holistic manner meant to be an addition to healing practices that you already have in place.
