Authentic Pietersite Unisex Stretch Cleansing Bracelet

Original price was: $44.44.Current price is: $22.22.

4 in stock

One Authentic Pietersite Unisex Stretch Cleansing Bracelet.

This elegant and rare Pietersite bracelet has cleansing energies which help to rid you of toxic energy.  Known as the tempest stone because of its swirling colors which resemble a storm.  it can hold so much energy and bring positive changes to those who wear it. The beauty of this stone is mesmerizing with it’s bold patterns and flashes of gold and contrasts of usual brown, grey and blue-black colors.

Pietersite is known to ground an individual. It cleanses the aura restoring it to calm and rids negative energies, toxic traits and emotional turmoil. Pietersite is an extremely supportive and strengthening stone that increases self-esteem.



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